Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What I am working on and hoping to get done in the Nick of time....

Wow, I have been busy, trying to get things all finished up so I can just sit and breathe.   I have a teenage grand daughter and she has been wanting an afghan/blanket for quite awhile.  She reminded me again on Thanksgiving that she is still wanting one.  So I ordered some yarn when Joann's had that mega yarn sale on black friday..I think I may have over estimated the amount of yarn I needed.  So I will have some leftover..maybe Joann's will let me do an exchange.  I am told they would take it back at the store as long as I have my receipt..so I will try and do that.  Those that know me well know that I don't usually make things with yarn.  I am a thready through and through.  So between the trees and the blanket I haven't touched thread for at least a week or two.  Now I have a friend..Charlotte who is a whiz working with yarn and tends to really crank out blankets..I am slower than molasses on a cold morning when it comes to working with anything thicker than size 10 thread. Give me thread and a little hook and I am a hooking fool...so this has me slowing down and I am concerned I may not get it done in time....so friends wish me speed and nimble fingers.  Oh I started a runner in that new book I before the yarn touched my fingers..but after looking at it I think I am going to frog it and start again with a smaller hook..oh and while waiting for the yarn to get here I started another doily...so I have three things waiting in the wings...I am gonna attach the pics at the end of my post as things tend to go crazy when I try to put them in as I mentioned them..I also have moved my craft room back to the bigger room.  My daughter and my son in law thought my little room was too small and so they moved 3 different rooms for me...and I am so grateful..my son in law looked and just grinned and shook his head when he saw how much was packed in my little space..now after looking at it I wonder how I had it all in there...I am only showing you one wall...and the mess I make when looking for a pattern...OK guess I will show you the pics...and if I don't make it back here I want you all to have a very merry Christmas...blessings to you all 

Grandaughter's blanket in her favorite colors

Doily in progress

soon to be frogged

newest books....love them

My stash and mess...more pics to follow in a future blog of my space.


Anonymous said...

Your room looks like crafty goodness. If I had those shelves it would all be filled with fabric. Just last night I did a bit of a switcharoo with dressers....and I have empty space...not good at all. LOL
Your crocheting is beautiful as usual. Posting about the pineapple runner tomorrow.
blessings, jill

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

All such lovely projects. :)

Gosh, can I come over and "shop" in your stash sometime! That's a lot of thread woman! :)

Hugs and blessings always sweet friend.


Gramma Rita said...

Everything looks great! I, too, am a threadie. However, in recent years I have enjoyed making some things with yarn. I think it's mostly because of the grandkids. Otherwise, I doubt I would have been making hats like I do. LOL My first crochet love will always be doilies though. Love them! :)

Meredith said...

Your granddaughter is going to be thrilled. If you don't finish just wrap up what you have done and she will still be thrilled. I am not sure why you are frogging that lovely piece, I think it is gorgeous.

Charlotte said...

Thanks for the mention. I know you can do it! Love the colors of the afghan. I don't like to have more than one project going at a time because I'm afraid they will never get finished. I crochet while watching TV and because I am not working, I seem to watch a lot! Have a great Christmas!

Pammy Sue said...

Love that blanket so far. That's a great pattern! Your GD will LOVE IT!! Godspeed!

Algodão Tão Doce said...

Feliz Natal!!! Que a manjedoura do seu coração esteja pronta para receber o Menino Jesus que irá nascer!!!
Um ano novo repleto das bençãos de Deus!!!
Doce abraço, Marie!