Monday, June 9, 2014

This hooker is slowing down.....

How is everyone doing out there?  I have slowed down with the hook.  I don't know why, but it seems my hook doesn't move as fast as it used to.  I consider myself lucky if I get one thing started and finished in a week's time.  It just seem time passes quickly.  It is not like I am busy or anything..I am doing the same things I did a year ago..only slower I guess...I don't have a job outside of my home,  I am not a social person, I am not a fanatic about my house, I don't cook everyday, I definitely don't clean what do I do all day?  And where does the time go? The answer is to both questions is..I DO NOT KNOW!!!  I know I am busy, but what I do who knows?  But I get up and before I know it the day is almost over...I don't watch tv...and I do not sit in my hooker chair all day..I know some think I do..but I don't...  I think I need to put those hidden cameras around my house so I can watch myself and see exactly what I do....I know that I am easily maybe that is part of it...but jeepers...all day long?  I am beginning to believe I live in a time warp or black hole...

Ok since you hung with me and my is the piece of work I did last week...the pattern can be found in Trish Kristoffersen's Ultimate Doily pattern book.  The name of the pattern is Momentous Occasion...I made it with DMC Cebelia .... I love the variety of of my favorite patterns...


Sherri said...

Wow you are living my life too! I'm exactly the same. I love your doily it's very intricate. Love it!

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Your doily finish is awesome. :)

I say you need to create a Buddy Cam so he can just hang out with you and film what you are doing at the same time! The heat is probably making you slow down, too. I know I am not moving as fast as I did when it wasn't a zillion degrees outside!

((hugs)) and blessings to you always sweet friend.

Faith said...

You can still pump them out girl! I have definitely slowed down, the hands they hurt sometimes, and it makes me sad. We should form an old hookers club...well you get the idea.Thank you for stopping over. My son doesn't know what he is going to do,he has a specific learning disability, so we are taking it slowly. He does love history especially the WWII, and he is good at it. We don't live in Cleveland proper, but a suburb about 12 miles south, where is your daughter going to live? Email me. and we can talk some more. Your doily beautiful as always, the finished product is always top notch and inspiring.

hooksandyarns said...

Some days I feel like I haven't done anything either, but something must be getting done or we'd all be living in a pigsty.

Love the doily - it's beautiful. :)

Kate said...

I know exactly how you feel. How did it get to be almost the middle of June already?
Love the doily :-) You're still making great hooky progress.

Chain Stitch Crochet said...

Beautiful as always! I do think that age and season has something to do with the time being sucked up. I know when I'm off work the days just fly by and it seems nothing gets accomplished. I have to make lists and if I get done what's on those lists then I feel good. But I do get distracted too and go from one thing to another.

Charlotte said...

Birds of a feather flock together! Sisters from another mister! Living the same life. I'm in a funk right now not knowing what to crochet! :-(

Anna said...

Gorgeous doily !!!

Gramma Rita said...

Gorgeous doily, as always! I'm very much like you. I'm a major homebody...and proud of it! :D LOL

Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger said...

Beautiful! Loved this!

Meredith said...

That would take me a year so the fact that you got it done at all tells me you ae still pretty quick with the hook.

Meredith said...

That would take me a year so the fact that you got it done at all tells me you ae still pretty quick with the hook.

Kim said...

Oh I love it!!!
But then I always love your doilies.

It's weird but I find the same. My day is just gone before I know it hardly.
I have so much to do and I turn round and the day is finished and I didn't manage half what I needed to.

Is it an age thing? I don't know but I do know I'd love to have the energy to keep up with the day and do all I need to do, lol.


Nawnie said...

Not only am i crocheting slower. I now don't do it as often. I was even wondering tonight if i was depressed lol but i don't think so. I love my crocheting and i have so much to work with.

Unknown said...

Well it looks like a lot of us out there with the same problem lol.... Love your work always beautiful :)) hugs pat ..

Unknown said...

Well it looks like a lot of us out there with the same problem lol.... Love your work always beautiful :)) hugs pat ..