Tuesday, July 8, 2014


I know, I know I have been really slow on blogging lately.  I am having a time trying to get back into the swing of things..I am not posting, I am not reading any blogs..seems like it takes me quite awhile to even finish anything with the hook..I don't know what is up...maybe just recouping from being cut on is the problem..maybe I just have the blahs..maybe the stresses of all the dr appts...sometimes I feel like I am on a merry go round and I can't get off.  Hopefully by the end of the month things will slow down ..just a tad even would be great.  I have a dr appt tomorrow, a ct/pet scan on the 24th, and another consultation on the 28th..and somewhere before the 28th, I am supposed to hear from a dermatologist..haven't heard a thing yet..maybe they forgot.  I am not going to remind them..nope not going to do it.

On the crochet front..I have gotten 1 doily finished, yet to be blocked...and this runner.  I had to make some revisions to the pattern to make it work to be the correct size using #10 thread.  How fun was that, and the pattern was not the easiest to understand..good thing there were halfway decent pictures to look at.  Sometimes I wonder about the editing of patterns..if anyone even bothers.
Edges are still wet from being blocked..this is color 437 and I call the color camel

going on week #3 of the healing process


Meredith said...

Vicki, that table runner is amazing, such an intricate piece. Your poor neck, it seem like you have been through so much that your body is just needing some rest.
Hugs to you,

Sherri said...

Girl your runner looks awesome. I love that color I may need to order some.
I'm so sorry your having such a blah time of it. Your poor neck looks so sore. I feel for you.
Be blessed my friend that's my prayer for you!

hooksandyarns said...

Your new runner is beautiful Vikki - very pretty color.
Your neck seems to be healing nicely. I hope everything will settle down for you soon. Take care. :)

Pammy Sue said...

Wowee! I love that color. I may have to order some of that from you. The runner is just gorgeous. Take care of yourself.

Charlotte said...

Take it easy and heal! We'll still be here waiting on you. I see you have the same problem with some patterns also. Love the color of the runner.

Gramma Rita said...

Your runner is gorgeous! Beautiful work, as always. Glad you're on the mend. Hang in there! :)

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Beautiful runner. The color is lovely. Sending prayers your way for a quick healing. I have just the thing to make the blues go away...cross stitch! :)

Sending hugs and prayers your way sweet friend. :)

Anonymous said...

I got caught up with your blog Vicki...goodness, I am glad you are OK. The runner is beautiful.
blessings jill

Preeti said...

The runner looks very pretty, Vikki!! Hope you are feeling better now .