Monday, September 1, 2014

Don't laugh at the last picture......

Oh my two weeks have gone without a post.  I don't know where the time just goes.  You know I don't know the day of the week most of the time, so I really don't know the date.  I don't go out very much..I could be a hermit except I have to go grocery shopping at least once a month.  I could be a nudist, love my pajama pants and really don't like having to get dressed...guess I could be a nudist, except I don't look so good naked anymore.  You do know your body changes and does some weird old things as we age...but that is a whole different anyway I helped my daughter and husband move to the Cleveland Ohio area...I really wanted to take things off the truck instead of putting them on.  I really didn't want them to go.  So for those of you in that area, you have gained a wonderful family....

I made a couple of doilies of them being a big mistake..not sure what happened..maybe I should have used a smaller thread...I am torn as to whether I should show you guys or not....I will ponder it for a moment or two...while I post pics ..anyway I have been using black thread..I love the results, but the eye strain is something eyes actually felt bruised if I crocheted too long...weird huh?  Ok...posting pics..
spider web...I make this one every year..sometimes 3 or 4 times..depends on the mood

This is the one that made my eyes hurt...but it is gorgeous..the pic doesn't do it justice..

My favorite go to pattern when I don't want to think too much...

I was not going to show you guys this one.  This is one big mistake.  I knew it wasn't right while I was making it.  I was getting all bunchy..I should have stopped..but I am stubborn like that.   So I will deny that I made this to anyone who asks me if I who am I kidding..I am not showing it to anyone...I haven't had a flop like this in go ahead enjoy yourself..laugh, point and might be awhile before you see something like this again...may you all be blessed and hopefully it won't be two weeks before you hear from me again.....


Sherri said...

Wow Vikki I love love love the black ones especially your mistake. It looks like a spiders web but fancy. Maybe Charlottes spun it for her pig! Hahahaha I think it's lovely!
You go girl, I too wouldn't get out of my pjs if I didn't need too. I kinda envy those people who wear their pjs out in public, but in just can't do it! I'd never go nude to scary of a look see, my dogs would run screaming!
Be cool my friend...

Pammy Sue said...

I'm loving that black, but I imagine it is tough on the old eyes. I made a smallish doily last year with #3 black yarn and that was bad enough. Where is that spiderweb pattern? It would be pretty in other colors as well. You know I love that purple runner. It's one my of favs. I don't know why I haven't made another one.

Meredith said...

Good you deny you made it and I will tell everyone I made it because I think it is very fun. And believe me I look a fright naked now, But I am not sure I ever looked good in my birthday suit!

Gramma Rita said...

I absolutely love your black doilies! I don't use black much at all any more, because of the eye strain. But it sure does make for some gorgeous doilies! Btw, I, too, could be a hermit very easily. If it weren't for my family "making" me do things, I'd stay home all the time!

hooksandyarns said...

Your doilies look gorgeous - especially when they are made in black. The last doily kind of reminds me of a spider web - it will be perfect for Halloween. :)

Kim said...

I was so glad to see how gorgeous those black doilies are. I just picked up some black thread and I was wondering what they would be like, then lo and behold, I see yours!!
They are stunning!! The first two particularly but I think the spider web one is great as well.


Charlotte said...

Love the doilies! I don't like working with black either. It's hard even with yarn! Don't fret about the last one, you're entitled to a flop every once in a while.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

I think all your doilies are pretty...even the last one that you don't like. :)

Hope you are having a lovely day sweet friend. ((hugs))