A week until Thanksgiving....this year has been a whirlwind. First of all thank you guys that keep stopping by here to check on me..or to find me on facebook, or message me, or contact me through my etsy shop. It means a lot to me that you care..and wonder where I have been and what has been going on....thank you. I think we have found our new normal around here...almost 6 months in the making..and we are still trying to sort it all out. But I have hope and faith that God is in control and has a good plan..Let me backtrack for those that are trying to catch up. In May my son-in-law hung himself. He left 2 boys behind. My daughter is caught up in drugs and is homeless..refusing to go to rehab, to a shelter or any place for help. So the other grandmother and I have the two boys. No it is not ideal, but neither of us felt like we could handle 2 boys. Ok, that's all I am going to say about this situation for now. But you all know me and sooner or later I am going to have it all out there..
Patricia Kristoffersen has remastered, reworked some of her patterns and is offering them at reasonable prices on her Etsy shop. Inthreadiblehome.etsy.com I am currently working on Tala. One of my favorite patterns to start with..but the remastered one is awesome!!!!

This one is Irene..also a remastered pattern...yes they are worth the investment as they are really truly different patterns. I have the original books so I was hesitant to purchase the remastered version. I am so happy I did..they are similar patterns, but enough difference to make them different ...If you don't do etsy..Kristoffersen is also offering them through Ravelry. She also released a brand new pattern..I bought it also. Trish says she has more unreleased patterns but is hesitant to publish as there is so much illegal downloads that many designers are not putting there intellectual work out there. Pinterest..is a site where there is a lot of piracy. I have even had pictures of my doilies used as someone else's work...that's why the business card on the pic. If you can afford a fast food meal..you can afford to buy the pattern...at least that is my opinion.
Monica..I found the pattern...now waiting on the thread. I understand if you want to forget the entire thing...
WELL....I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving...count your blessings that you do have..and not the things you do not. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
I'm glad you are doing better. Don't worry: I'll wait for you to get the thread.
Sorry to hear about your family situation. My husband and I have primary custody of two grandsons, but the situation wasn't as bad as yours. Hope everything is getting better. Have a great Thanksgiving.
I am so sorry for your loss! I hope things get better soon!
I'm tucking you into my prayers. I've not blogged in a while, I come back and forth and what seems like a ghost town to what you and I have experienced in years passed. It is a comfortable place, and feels like home here. A nice respite from the "big box" wonder. I got the thread I ordered and it is a beautiful color the deep red. Thank you for getting out so quickly. Love,Faith
I just happened to open up my blog for the first time in a long time. I don't crochet a lot anymore. I found fabric. :) Shame cuz I have a room filled with yarn.
I am sooo sorry about your daughter and son in law! And feel especially bad for the boys. Praying for you all! Huge hugs.
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