My dining room table got taken over this weekend by my grandson, Kyle. He loves his grandma and comes over every chance he gets. I had to put a leaf in the table to make room for the toys..think maybe I will leave it like this through the holidays..I don't have a tablecloth to fit it and no time to make one..guess I will have to run out to Walmart and see if I can find one.

Here's Buddy..I just scolded him for trying to make off with some legos..Does he look like he was being scolded..Sometimes I think there is a persom in there.

My grandson..I just love him to peices..just don't look beyond the boy..my house is a mess..but who wants to clean when the kids are over? Someday they will grow up and remember the trains and the legos, but not the dirty house..I am all about creating memories..hopefully good ones.

Buddy is getting bigger..he no longer can fit under the table..I was thinking this might give you an idea how big he is for only being 10 months old..Stitchy..this pic is for you.

I just had to put this pic in..he just decided to get under my feet just before turning over on his back for the belly rub..such a slut puppy...
On the crochet front..I finished the red and white tree..waiting for hubby to make the frame part..hopefully he will get to it when he gets home..maybe if I am really nice..:) I am going to start on the slippers tonight..yuck..I know I don't like working with yarn..I am a thready so these slippers will be the last thing I make with yarn this year..then on to the tablecloth..if I don't get it done..no big deal..it is for me and my table. I hope you all had a nice weekend..Hopefully I will post again this week with a pic of a red tree..but for now thanks for taking the time to read my blog and hug for all my blog friends that leave comments..til next time..
Your grandson in a cutie. Your house looks fine to me but you are right about the cleaning. Much more important to spend the time with the grands than cleaning. Buddy is a beautiful dog. Your white tree looks so pretty. Can't wait to see the red one. Not doing much crochet around here. I finally got our tree up and decorated today. I needed more lights, two strands completely out and one strand only half worked so that left me with one 100 string, 2 of the 50 strings and 1/2 of another 100. But I got them spaced out pretty evenly so it doesn't look as bad as I thought it would. Can you believe I couldn't find any lights? I don't want red or blue and that is all Wal-mart had and Jo-Ann's too. So lights are on my iist for next year. Cookie baking and candy making next week so crocheting will be done when I can. Hope you have a relaxing night!
Grandsons are the best - I love when mine visit me too. Buddy sure is a handsome dog. :)
Grandson and puppy dog!! What more is there? ;-)
Awww I love the picture of your Grandson and Buddy...they are both so cute. :) Buddy looks like you hurt his feelings when you told him he could not have the lego. Poor little fellow. I think he is the cutest! He is getting so big, but he's still a little puppy at heart I know. :) Your tree is awesome. Wow. I hate making slipper's, too. I'll make socks, but slippers suck! I can't wait to see your table cloth. I have to say for someone who is a "threadie" you do beautiful work in yarn, too. :)
Hugs to my pal Buddy and hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings always...thanks for the photos, they really made my day. :)
G-son is a real sweetie, I love Buddy's photos he looks like a real lover dog... he sure is a big guy...I am the opposite of you I love working with yarn especially glittery types... can't wai tto see the tree
Buddy is gorgeous! Your grandson too. :o) My little boy is going in next Tuesday for his left canine to be pulled, and get his teeth cleaned. I hope everything comes out allright. I'm worried. He's almost 14. Then we go to FL. I hope to be able to post this week. I don't know, it's been pretty hairy here at work. But wanted to stop in and say hey! xoxo
Lovely Buddy! He really is a darling. He's one big puppy though. :)
I love how happy your Grandson looks in the pictures ... as for mess, what mess? All I can see is the brightest, happiest, beaming smile shining out of the pictures.
He looks like he LOVES being with Grandma and is having such fun!
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