Monday, July 22, 2013

What I did last week

Good Morning,  I did get some things done early in the week last week.  It was a good thing too as a couple of my friends got me all distracted looking for a pattern for a couple of days in my room creating this mess. I really think they (you know who you are) should come for a visit and help me clean this mess up.  Anyway I never found it in my internet here we come..what a mistake..One site lead to another and I was hours and hours just looking and finding stuff....

But I did get some crocheting done and even finished a few.  The yellow ones are DMC #745 a nice mellow yellow. And the two runners are made with color #3033...which is now my favorite nuetral color.  I am making a Royal Pineapple Centerpiece from this color and am hoping to have it finished this week sometime..and then I am going to find another color to play with.  I am open to suggestions..any certain color you want to see worked up?  

.I am going to try and get some things done that I have on my mind for quiet awhile now.  I am not sure if I will actually get to them as I have a show coming up and I am kind of concerned that I do not have the things I need to have.  I always get that way this time of year.  I want to get my room picked back up, but I am afraid to go in there as I know that I will get distracted and find more things I want to make..and again I remind you that the mess is not my fault...Anyway it is already 11 and I haven't done a thing so I must get myself in gear and get I hope that you all have a wonderful week, and be wonderfully blessed.  


Gramma Rita said...

Your doilies and runners are gorgeous, as always! :) And shame on those who made you tear up your room! LOL ;)

hooksandyarns said...

I love the doilies and runners - they are beautiful. And I love your crochet room too. :)

Faith said...

Craft Room Party at Vikki's...I'm in...what a treasure usual your doily's are exquisite.
hoping all is well with you my friend.

Preeti said...

Your doilies and runners look very pretty !! It's amazing how fast you make and with perfection :) great job!!
About your craft room, I guess it's your fault you have such a huge stock that your friends are indulging themselves for a treat;) probably you should hide the best part for yourself :)

Pammy Sue said...

Hey Vicki, where can I find that pineapple runner pattern? I have lots of doily books, but I haven't seen one like that anywhere. Maybe I'm just missing it? I like that natural tan cool a lot too!

Pammy Sue said...

Found it and bought it. Thanks!

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

I am sitting here smiling! I just can't for the life of me imagine who could have "inspired" you to create such a mess! :)

I am going with your next color should be purple! Yep, purple!

I have been very bad today...very bad...I shut Mo and Jo up in the craft studio...I just had enough of them for a while!

Hugs and blessings to you my dear friend today and always

Nima said...

Vikki, thank you so much for stopping by my blog with your valuable input. I have just restarted again the pineapple-garden pattern. and i'm getting stuck at row 5 where we join the stitch marked stitch of row 4...will you be able to guide me please..Thank you so much

Charlotte said...

Don't you hate when you know you have a pattern but can't find it? I have so many that it takes me forever to find the one I really want! Love the doilies!

Mindy said...

Ooh--that last one is very interesting! Very nice.