Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday ...what can I say?

Hi guys.  It is Monday and I really tried to get something done around my house today, it didn't happen.  I did get some groceries in the house..I only go once a month, but after looking at my checkbook it looks like I haven't been since the end of June.  I really need to go more often so I don't get sticker shock.  Anyway..on a lighter note..I was busy last week..or at least the hooker in me was.  This is one of my favorite patterns and tends to be the one I go to when I don't know what I want to make..and it is one of my best sellers at my show.  The roofers are supposed to start on our roof this wednesday..yippee!! I can hardly wait for my skylights.  My living room is so dark even on the sunniest of days.  I it makes it hard to keep motivated.  So I am psyched.  Oh and my hubby's cousin and his wife are going to be stopping in on their way home to Florida .....yeah....on Wednesday...Guess we will deal with the noise.  I know I am not cooking so off to our favorite Mexican restaurant.  I really don't have much to say so I guess I will rap this up.  I hope you all have a good week and find all the blessings.


Preeti said...

Very beautiful pattern!! All of them look very nice :) I go to grocery store as and when something is over. I am not that good at planning. Vegetables too, I get for just three days because even after keeping in refrigerator, though they look fresh but they really aren't . The stores are also at a distance less than a km so that's another reason I don't bother to stock lot of things. I used to do that earlier but I ended up wasting. All my stashing instincts are diverted towards crochet ;)

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Oh I love the runners, they are so very pretty. :)

Enjoy your company and I hope the roofers get finished quick so you can get lots of're gonna need it for our super big project in September!

Hugs and blessings to you always sweet Sista

hooksandyarns said...

Your table runners are beautiful (as always). Enjoy the time with your family. :)

Charlotte said...

Beautiful crochet! (as always). How do you manage grocery shopping once a month? I guess I could do it if I didn't have to get milk, bread, or eggs. Tell me your secret!

Faith said...

A little bit of noise...but when they are'll have more light..and then I can't wait to see what you make when you are the meantime...these are just gorgeous....have fun with the family and your night out...sounds fun..

Pammy Sue said...

Wow, wow, wow! How do you do them so fast? I don't get it! You're magical! They are so pretty. Love the yellow one. But really...FOUR in one week? Dang!