Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Older I get..the Faster time Flies

Wow..has it really been almost weeks since my last post?!! Where does the time go?  Let me catch everyone up then..we had a birthday party for my youngest grandson on Pi day  (3/14)..probably be the only birthday I will remember when I get really old... Went up to see two of my daughters and their children over the last weekend...brought home my oldest grandaughter for her spring break..hopefully her mom will pick her up before my next trip this weekend to Florida.   I am going to go look and find warm, sunny weather...heading to Pensacola is a short 10 hour drive so we don't spend alot of time in the we can really enjoy our little get away..we are only going to be gone a few days, just enough to make ourselves feel seems to have been one long winter season.

On the crochet front...not a whole just one doily..I don't know why I seem to be on a slow crawl..but I am.  The thread eater is in the same spot on the table..and hasn't been touched for quite awhile. For those of you who do filet crochet, at least big crochet pieces..I am in awe.   I can't seem to get motivated to pick it back up and I only have about 40 more rows..and probably 5-10 more balls of thread..yikes...still thinking about finding a stopping point and calling it done..

The plan for today, what is left of it anyway, is to grab a hook and just grandaughter is going to have control of the remote control at least until something comes on I want to watch..She is like her grandma and loves pajama days.  
Dane and his first birthday..

The one and only doily that has been made in two weeks..made with DMC Cebelia thread....find it


Pammy Sue said...

That's SOMETHING! What do you mean "only?" It's gorgeous!

Kate said...

Sounds like you've been very busy. And your doily is beautiful! Count it as a win, girl; you finished something. Be proud!

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Lovely doily!

Wishing you safe travels as you journey to Florida! Don't you need someone to carry your bags? Swing by and pick me up!

Blessings always sweet friend.

Charlotte said...

Happy birthday to Dane! Hope you have a great time in Florida! Sounds like a great idea to lose these winter blues. Pick that thread eater back up and finish it right now, young lady! Come on, Vikki, you can do it !

Kim said...

That doily is gorgeous!!
I hope you have a lovely break away and come back feeling refreshed.
The thread eater is so nearly there!! Just set yourself a challenge of so many rows at a time and count down to the glorious finish.


Mindy said...

Ooh! Way to go! I love that pattern!

Glad you're able to enjoy some time with the grandkids lately. =)

Meredith said...

I think your doily is gorgeous and I know I could never make that! SO glad you have been having a lovely time with your family.

Gramma Rita said...

Happy Birthday to Dane. He is quite the cutie pie! Love your doily! As for the thread eater, I probably should encourage you to finish it. But I probably wouldn't finish it. I'd do like you're anticipating...find a nice stopping row and call it done. ;)

Susan Zarzycki said...

Finish your tablecloth, you know you want to! Love your doilies! Enjoy reading your blog. I have started one. I also need more thread. Will get in touch soon. Showers of blessings.

Donna Heber said...

Happy Birthday to Dane! He is so adorable. I love your doily Vikki!