Monday, May 19, 2014

Thread eater and time sucker..

Not much has been going on since I last wrote.  I have been working on the thread eater..a row a day..and it is growing.  The last row I did took over 2 hours..almost 3!!! Sometimes it is the only thing that I crochet in a day.  That has to change as I have an order for 2 doilies and runner to match..I have to kind of wing the runner as they want it to match the doilies..I am thinking I can downsize the doily pattern and maybe make 3 and try attaching them together somehow..kind of like motifs...

I made my first sale to postage is a killer..almost as much as the box of thread.  So now I have made sales in Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Canada, and Australia...I think it is neat how the crafting world comes together.  Come to find out the lady who ordered from Australia after doing a ancestry search found out that she has family in Kentucky.  Yes, I get to know these people and we talk from time to time..and I think it is pretty is a small world after all.

I washed the windows in my sunroom yesterday..and man I am so sore..all that stretching and getting up and down off a ladder...I feel like I have done some major workout..but the windows are clean and I have been wanting to get it done..I really wo
uld love to have a person come in and clean what I don't like toilets, windows...and closets...refrigerators...oven ...I will be honest..something spills in my oven...turn up the heat and sprinkle cinnamon on it and burn it off...might smoke a little.   But my family thinks the smoke alarm is a dinner it works..

Posting pics of the thread eater..I did get one doily done last week..just didn't get it blocked ..
Have about 30-35 more hopefully it will be done in about a month

Thought you might want to see the flowers


Gramma Rita said...

'Tis lookin' good Vikki! :D I know it's a pain right now, but just think how proud you are going to be when it's finished. :D

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

The thread eater is awesome! Keep going girl, you can do this. :)

Hmmm I might have to try the cinnamon in the oven that!

((hugs)) and blessings always sweet friend.

Sherri said...

Wow girl you rock! The tablecloth looks awesome. I love that the crochet world is so small, your so lucky to meet so many people of the world.

Charlotte said...

I have the same dinner bell!:-) I am so glad you have orders; I would love to have just one! Keep up the good work on the thread eater, can't wait to see it finished.

Kate said...

Thread eater's looking great, Vikki :-) Keep it up, you'll finish one day. Congrats on the international orders. That's exciting! I love your "dinner bell"! We have the some one in our house. Take care :-)

Chain Stitch Crochet said...

Love the tablecloth! I wish I had the fortitude to do something of that magnitude.

hooksandyarns said...

Your tablecloth is amazing - it's so beautiful. I believe it will be worth all the work.
I love your idea about burning off spills in the oven - I might try it next time. Have a good day. :)

Mindy said...

OH. My. Word. 30-35 more rounds??? Ugh! You're a trooper. But it certainly is a gorgeous piece! Definitely worth all the hard work. Way to go!

Meredith said...

The thread eater is magnificent, you are so amazing to be able to create something that intricate and delicate.

Kim said...


I'm just wow looking at that. So much work in that, it's amazing.


Susan Zarzycki said...


Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger said...

Its beautiful even if it is a thread eater!