Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Good Grief.....

Wow..I have just been beside myself this past few modem on my internet fried.  So I have been without way to read my fellow bloggers, no way to keep in contact with my store, or my email....except through my phone..and I do not have unlimited I was going through withdraw.  It wasn't too long ago that I didn't think I needed all this tech stuff...and now that I have gotten used to it being around I gotta admit, it is hard not to have it.  Even my dear hubby who has never sent an email, who does not text missed it....he is a gamer.  There was a time he didn't care to have his ps hooked up  and playing online..but man his withdraw was worse than mine...I think.  Anyway we are back on..and he is playing his game..killing zombies..and I am playing catch here is what I have finished up this week ...not sure if I am going to put it in my shop  or not..probably will, but not today..I have to get off of here...anyway I just wanted to let you all know I will be popping in to read your blogs in the next few days and try to catch up with each of you....
I think there is a scratch on the lens of my camera...dang... this is made with #437..camel


Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Glad you are back on line! I was wondering where you were.

Blessings always sweet friend. :)

hooksandyarns said...

Good to hear you're back online Vikki. I don't like when I can't use the computer - I should cut down my time on here though. Your new table runner is very pretty. :)

Sherri said...

Welcome back from the world! I know how that is, been there and done that! We have missed you I was just getting ready to call you, so glad all is fine.

Preeti said...

Great to see you back! Your runner looks very nice :)

Gramma Rita said...

Glad you're back with us! I, too, hate it when I can't get online. It's pretty much my key to the outside world. Your runner is lovely!

Charlotte said...

I know the feeling! I couldn't get the password to work in the motel room last night. Pretty doily!

Chain Stitch Crochet said...

Well at least you have been blogging regular, I cannot say the same. It's been months! It's nice to be able to come back and see that everything is as I left it. :)I am trying to unplug but it's not working either. Specially now that I'm losing my job and will need to look for another one. :( I'll have to be checking email and job sites more often. Wish me luck! xxx

Meredith said...

It is so frustrating when that happens. For me it is so much worse knowing I can't go online.