Monday, September 15, 2014

A little of this and a little of that.

I know..another 2 weeks ..oh well..I will get better at this.  It is September and it is the one month of the year that I tend to stress..maybe I should stop doing the show..I like it once I am there..I meet so many like minded people who love thread crochet..I hear sometimes the same story year after year, but that is ok.  And I usually do quite well as long as the weather co-operates.  I have met a couple of blog friends over the neat is that?  So after the end of this month..I will be better about blogging..
A pile of doilies needing to be not like to block
so this is the before pic

Here are three of them blocked and ready to be put away...I still have a couple more to do.
But you know how that is.  This color is 437..the camel color..I love this color.

This was my WIP, however it is now finished and thrown on top of the to block pile.  

Look at my mess..this is my corner in my home.  Everyone knows not to touch a thing on this is organized to me.
If you look closely you can see the thread yells at me from time to time..I plan on finishing it really soon...Gosh
that does look like a mess... 
 Well now that you have seen where I have been for the last couple weeks..pleases know that I haven't forgotten you guys..I just have been really busy...My craft show is the last full weekend in September..this year it is the 27th and the 28th...if you are in the Evansville Area this is the best show around..over 400 crafters..all mass produced stuff is supposed to be allowed, but I am sure there are a few that slip through the cracks...anyway if you are in the area..I would love to meet you..I am in the building on the hill..thanks for stopping by and have a blessed week or two..


hooksandyarns said...

Don't worry about us - we'll be here when you're finished. I wish you a successful show. :)

Unknown said...

If I lived closer, I'd definitely stop by. I love your work. It's amazing. As for the blog... I'm with Debi Y ... we'll be here!

Preeti said...

Your doilies look lovely!! Don't stress yourself. Enjoy the process. Good luck for your craft show:)
I have seen your earlier craft show pictures and you always manage a great collection for display.

Crafy Lady said...

Wow, you have been a busy bee for sure. Always love checking out your blog

Charlotte said...

Oh, I would love to go to this show! I've been to Evansville once years ago(because of work). Get busy on that thread eater!!

Mindy said...

Looking good! You'll make it!!

That corner looks eerily familiar to a corner in my house... with a little yarn thrown in around here, too. ;-) (and a massive cross-stitching project I took on last month!)

I keep saying that one of these years I'll stock up enough projects to do a craft fair, but special orders or gifts always end up taking priority. I think I'd love to...

Gramma Rita said...

All your crocheted items are lookin' good! :) Have fun with the show!

Meredith said...

Good luck with the show, you will do well with all your gorgeous projects.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

I know you will do great at the show, your doilies are so awesome! I hate blocking doilies, too. I love to make them, hate to block them....which is probably why I usually never do. Sending you hugs sweet friend ((hugs))

Faith said...

Hi Vikki, best of luck with your craft show, I hope you do well. Your work is lovely. Thanks for stopping over my place. Your comment about the thread, makes sense, and I must get back to the thread it is my first love. Hope all is well.