Tuesday, September 30, 2014

WHEW!!!!! and a maybe a doily or two...

It is like 8pm...when I got up this morning, I thought that I would be able to get somethings done and get to my blog by the afternoon.  I don't know where the time went or how it got to be the evening.  I have been busy, but wow..ok had to get hubby out the door, had to run out to the post office and to the store to pick up a few things, then I had to return the books to the library, then I came home did a couple loads of laundry, had to unpack the doilies from the craft show and put them away, listed a few at my shop, picked up the thread eater..by the way it takes at least 2 and half hours to go around that thing one time.  I thought I would start something small so I could at least finish something once in awhile.  But I am just too tired to look at any patterns and make a decision... maybe I will tomorrow.  My pattern books are still all in a pile in my craft room...I thought I would get them put away today..but my day just disappeared...so tomorrow I will try and get the things done I didn't get to today...so I think I will just post pics of a few of my things that I listed at my etsy shop......OH YEAH!!!! I almost forgot...my birthday is in 14 days...and to celebrate and share my day with you..I am going to give one of my blog friends one of my doilies...which one you ask?  That will have to be a surprise as I am not sure myself..maybe one that has already been shown here...or maybe one I have yet to make...what do you have to do?  Well I am glad you asked...nothing really...just leave me a comment with and idea of what kind of doilies you like..just in case you are the winner..and maybe the color you would like....good luck 


Sherri said...

Oh my! Me, me, me please! I love all your doilies, you know that! I have the last one and it's awesome, so which ever you pick will be greatly loved! By whomever receives it! Blessings my dear friend

Julie Wineman said...

I would so love to win one of your doilies! Your work is amazingly beautiful! I do favor purple flowers, but any of your creations would be wonderful to win.

Charlotte said...

Happy early birthday! Take a breath, sit down, prop your feet up, and relax! How did the craft show go? Many sales? I love all of your work but especially love the last photo.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Ohhh I'd love to have any doily you could part with. They are all works of art to me!

((hugs)) to you sweet friend. : )

Preeti said...

Your doilies are very beautiful and the person who wins is going to be very lucky to have it. I am in for any kind of doily:)

Pammy Sue said...

Okay, so I feel bad because I make so many doilies myself, but I DON'T CARE...I want one of yours! It's different to have one that someone else made than one you made yourself. It just is. I love that purple flower one in the second picture, but I also love that bigger brown one in the third picture, BUT it really doesn't matter which doily because they are all beautiful.

Crafy Lady said...

Morning, alot of very pretty things
I love seeing such great crochet work.

Meredith said...

Count me in and happy birthday in I think 12 days. I love every doily you make and because I can't make them I am in awe of what you create.

Kaylene said...

Happy birthday for this month! I love crocheted doilies of all kinds but are always drawn to ones with some pink in them! Always enjoy looking at your work as it's very inspirational.

Mindy said...

Ooh--Hope I haven't missed out because of being away for a bit!!! I just adore all your doilies...how to pick a favorite!?!?

Well, happiest of birthdays to you!