I haven't been moving the hook much at all. I have had houseguests for the past 2 weeks. So now I am just trying to pick up my house and get it back in order. But I really plan on grabbing a hook really soon..like today.
I did finish these and got them listed at my shop..they are already gone..but I really like this pattern..it is two patterns that I combined
I Really like how they turned out. I am just starting to think about Christmas and what I should make this year. I usually do a tree..I love them..but I am wanting something a little different..I just don't know. Well I really need to go and finish up the laundry and get dinner going.. I am thinking chili.. Thanks for taking time to stop by. Hope I haven't bored you too much. Many Blessings
Congrat Mere you lucky girl! Vikki your doilies are so sweet. I really like them. I just finished the doily from Scotties. I'll take pics tonight and post on my blog.
Love the new hooks, too!
Congratulations Mereknits! Can't wait to see the famous threadeater! Love your doilies.
I am so excited. I am having a simply rubbish week and this has made it so much better. Thank you so much for pulling my name.
Congratulations, Meredith!! Yay!
Super exciting to get new hooks. =D Have fun!
The doilies are beautiful. I love that little touch of lavender. So pretty and delicate!
Congrats to Mere, she's such a lucky girl! Oh Vikki you go the hooks. Awesome! I found a 1.50mm one at Jo Anne's and snagged it. Haven't used it yet, but plan to start a new doily...well, after I finish the current one that is. :) So glad life is back to normal at your house. Hope Buddy is doing good after all that drama. Hugs and blessings to you always sweet friend. :)
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