Now for my rant...I just found out that Trish Kristoffersen has published a pattern. It is called Infinite Love. If you have followed my blog for awhile you know she one of my favorite designers. This pattern looks awesome. It is only available on a kindle download. This is where my rant begins. I like printed patterns. I want to be able to put the pattern with all my other patterns,in a binder. Ok I went to amazon, bought the pattern, now it is on my kindle..and I have the reader for my laptop. Still haven't figured that out. I was told I could email the pattern to myself and then I could open it and print it.....NOT!!! now my pattern is locked up for at least a week because I sent it to a device that was in my network...I can't get it on my laptop..can't get it on my kindle..just have to wait. I will pay for a download pattern, but I don't know about this digital crap and having on the device only...I want to print my copy...I truly hope that this isn't the wave of the future to have all patterns on a device...Now if one of you guys are computer savy..which I am not...can you help me get a printed copy...My son in law is in town for a week, maybe I can get him to buy another copy and maybe he can get it printed out for me..but I really hope this isn't the way of the future. I understand the copyright thing and I think this may be the way to keep it from happening...and it is so sad for us that do not want to read a pattern from a laptop or iphone or tablet...I want my paper copy..Here is the thing...I am old school..and really am not into all the new if there is a way to print please someone help me.... I have a feeling I am not the only one who feels this way. So now today I have a new pattern that I think is freaking awesome and I can't get to it..I bought is on my kindle...sent to myself in an email...and I can't even open the pattern..just look at the pic....nope not liking this at all. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving...maybe by the end of the month I can get to my pattern..and read it from a not cool
I am old school to my friend, I like printed patterns and instructions so I can scribble on them, take notes and not have to have a device with me.
Good luck,
I like my printed patterns too. Can you hook the Kindle to your laptop and copy the pattern that way? Hope you get it figured out. Have a great Thanksgiving.
I refuse to use patterns that won't allow me to print. I need to enlarge the patterns so that I why I like to print them. This really comes in handy for my cross stitch patterns and knitting charts. If this is the wave of the future, then I will remain on the beach, content with my paper patterns! I wish I knew how to help you out, but since I don't own a Kindle I'd have no way to figure it out. Sorry. :(
Hope you and your family have a most happy Thanksgiving sweet friend. :)
I don't know about kindle but I know about iPad etc. See if you can connect with this issue.
Usually the ebooks/magazines etc. are sent in device specific format only. The patterns are downloaded using the app specifically created for iPhone or iPad or MacBook. However, I guess the downloads can be synchronised using iCloud with these family of computers but I am not sure because my iPad iCloud account is not same as my husband's MacBook iCloud account.
I download UK cross stitch magazines on iPad which I cannot email to any of my machine neither can I email them. But, I can take printouts on a Wi-Fi enabled printer. I just wrote about iPad to explain that this is not an issue, this is the way to save the digital data from copyright infringements.
So, you buy the pattern and try on a Wi-Fi enabled printer at your home or your friends or any printer shop. Still, I am not sure about whether this works on kindle. Did you see any print option/icon on the document when you downloaded on the kindle?
I'm sorry, Vikki :-( That really stinks! I'm old school, too, much prefer a paper pattern in my hand. Sorry I can't help you with the problem; I'm not tech savvy at all! Good luck and have a happy Thanksgiving :-)
Don't ask me about it. I know about computers..and finally upgraded to a smart phone less than 2 years ago. Wanted to buy the same pattern but I don't have a kindle or iPad or any thing like them!
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