Now that Thanksgiving is over and the turkey is gone it is time to get out the Christmas decorations. I dug mine out yesterday and put up the thingy on the fireplace mantel. The nutcrackers..I love nutcrackers..are standing guard over the Nativity..and that is all I have put out..I have everything else just scattered all over..had to run out and buy more extension cords..I don't know where they disappear to every year. One of these days they will all show back up and I will have a truckful of extension cords. I have 6 trees that I need to figure out where to put them..5 of them are the crochet trees that I make every year. I will take pics when I get them all up..hopefully today. I went and did a yarn run on had their Redheart love yarn on sale..I don't usually go nuts over yarn, but it takes a boatload to make those so I bought all the white they had, and I want to make a hooded scarf for myself, and maybe my girls, and an afghan or two and before I knew it I had a cartload of yarn...probably more than I really need. OH my that makes me a I truly am a thready!!! I want to start on a tree, but first I need to finish up the doily on my hook, and one more on order, then I can start my tree for the year..and I am going to have to hook fast if I want to get it finished before Christmas.
OK I have a favor to ask of my blog readers... Etsy has redone the way one's store shows up in the searches. It is based on the number of favorites and how often your shop has a listing that gets looked at and favorited. So the favor I am asking is will you guys go visit my shop and favorite my shop? Maybe go in once in awhile and favorite an item? I am not asking you to buy something..just favorite my shop and a few of my things once in awhile once you favorite my shop? It helps. With so many shops and things that seem to be mass that make truly handcrafted items are getting lost in the please if you would just favorite my shop and maybe once a week or whenever you think about it..favorite an item of mine. Thank you so very much.. And if you have a shop at etsy and need me to do the same post a link in the comments and I will return the favor.
Good luck with the decorating! I just wasn't in the mood this year and decorated as minimal as possible. I closed my Etsy shop because there just wasn't any progress. Good luck with yours.
You are going to be very busy with all that yarn, and you are not a yarn hoarder rather a yarn collector, it sounds so much better. I have fav'ed your site.
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