So Easily distracted....
I know it has been awhile since I posted...I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas...Hey did I ever post a pic of the Frozen tree?
Well here it is....26 inches tall..white with blue lights...
looks better in the dark |
I was online the other day..on facebook....and I still am shocked at some adults out there....Let me tell you why...I was raised to not throw know people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones type of thing..why would an adult..totally go off on someone they know has struggled this year? Why would they say things that are so hurtful that it definitely couldn't be taken any other way? Why would an adult who has their own struggles in their life with some of the same issues, only different intentionally say words, that cannot be taken back, that others can read...and does nothing to lift any person's spirit..? Why would someone try to hurt someone so deeply? I get on facebook...but not to be all up in someone elses' life, but because I have found some really awesome people that share the same love of thread and crocheting that I do....I enjoy them and their work....none of these people have said anything mean but instead are helpful, have knowledge they will share....they rejoice with my accomplishments, and are encouraging when things get a little froggy......and if I want to be honest ...they are really strangers...and these strangers are kinder, more compassionate than a person that I know....that could harden their heart....and be so cold and heartless to someone else that I love......and to do it on facebook......where the entire world could read it...I am at a you know what I did? I hope you are reading know who you are....I pray for you..I pray that God will find mercy on whatever is eating at you..that you find peace in your circumstance...that you find love and understanding and that you learn to be merciful...and that you can find a way to mend a few hearts and a few souls that have been hurt...may you find love and peace...
Ok...I tend to go off on rants's my blog...I can do that...
Oh by the way Postage rates are going up January 17, 2016.....yep again...
Your tree is beautiful, Vikki! I, too, do not understand why some people do/say the things they do. And oh boy...postage rates going up again?!!! I guess I best buy a few books of the forever stamps again.
Beautiful tree. I agree 100% with you about Facebook. I have made innocent comments and have been really bullied to the point that I have to block that person. I too have made many friends through Facebook, especially crochet friends, and have reconnected with family. All I can say is they are the ones who will have to answer for their mean ways. Merry Christmas!
Your tree is beautiful my friend. You have such a kind spirit my friend. There are unkind people all over, on Facebook, in the grocery store, driving, and of course even in this blogland of ours. You can't let them get you down, you are doing the right thing just praying for them to see the light.
Your tree is so beautiful! Frozen is one of my favorite movies and this tree really looks like it belongs in the movie!
I agree with you on FB. I have found that the friends I don't really know but that have a lot in common with me like crocheters, are much kinder than the people I really know in real life. It's sad, really. You did the greatest and most special thing you could do for that person, though...pray. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed New Year!
Blessings - Julie
well, I be dang... guess I need to make one like that too!!!
Hi, do you sell patterns for the Christmas trees? I would love to purchase one if it might be possible. Thank you for your time. Your trees are truly awesome!!
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