Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Just a quick post and a picture or two

Finished the runner up last Saturday....only two more projects sitting on my table....Ok..what's up  with the books you ask....I am trying to destash in order to make room on my shelves for the huge order of BABYLO thread I am supposed to be receiving sometime this month....so....I am going through my hoard of patterns..I have doubles of some and triples of others...so I am selling them off....I have a facebook page.... byhooks4u  just put me in the search bar and I will pop up...anyway that is where I have them listed for now..I am still looking through my stuff...I am amazed at all the stuff I have stashed away...I am thinking about my collection of OLD TIME CROCHET magazines...do I keep them or do they go?  I don't use them very often..but man...if I get rid of them ...I will never be able to use them again....I just love the old patterns ..hmm I think I would regret letting loose of them...but anyway...I still have some binders to go through and am pretty sure I will find more doubles...you know how that happens right?   I see some book or pattern I "need" on ebay but it is with a bunch of other patterns...so I bid on just that one book....that is probably why I get outbid so much..I am bidding on one book..and the rest of the pack is bidding on the lot...anyway...shoot over to my facebook page..take a look if you see something you want, send me a message ...I will eventually be listing them in my etsy shop..but the price will be going up as I have to cover listing and final selling fees...if they are still here in a week or so..

thanks for stopping by....remember DMC Cebelia thread and BABYLO can be found in my etsy shop....postage rates are going up on the 17th of January....just saying



Charlotte said...

Beautiful runner. I hate getting rid of any of my books, magazines, or patterns too. I constantly see someone on the internet wanting a pattern that I have had for years. I laugh when I see a pattern for sale that I have had for years. Good luck with your sales.

Donna Heber said...

Gorgeous runner! So elegant.

Unknown said...

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