Friday, June 27, 2014

A different kind of stitching going on here.....

I know, I know..I have been AWOL.  Sorry about that.  I haven't even been reading posts from other people.  Life is just getting in the way of spending anytime on the puter.  It happens to everyone time to time.  I only have one finished doily..and that isn't all the time I have been away....but I am working on a couple of runners..I am hoping to get them done by the 3rd week of July.

Had to go back in and have more tissue removed from my neck...guess the biopsy wasn't as clean as they like...hopefully this one will come back I am in recovery mode...and I thought it was just a freckle..had it all my life, that I can remember make sure you have your spots checked out...

working on this one right now...had to do some modifications as this pattern calls for #3 thread

This is the next one on my too calls for #3 thread so I am going to have to work some modifications to get the size i am looking for.  Being as I am going to use #10

Think this may leave a mark?   I was awake for this.  I did a local as I really don't like being put to sleep...may have to do some reevaluation on that...


Sherri said...

Oh my poor Vikki, that looks very serious, I hope it leaves a very light scar! You are in my thoughts and prayers.
I love the runners, I too I have never worked with size 3 thread.
I hope it turns out like you want it too!

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Sending prayers your way sweet Sista. I hope this one comes back clean and that you heal quickly. :)

Love the runners. I've used the size 3 before, it's light sport weight in the yarn world. It's heavy, but it does work up like lace if you use a bigger hook than the thread calls for.

Blessings to you always sweet friend. :)

Meredith said...

Oh Vicki, you poor thing that looks very painful. I am sending you lots of healing prayers.

Kate said...

Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way, Vicki. Take care of yourself and get all the rest you need.

Charlotte said...

Hoping you feel better. This makes me wonder about some of my "freckles". :-(
What about the thread eater? Still just sitting there?

hooksandyarns said...

Yeah - I think that's gonna leave a mark. Sending you lots of get better and heal quickly wishes. Take care. :)

Kim said...

Oh that looks sore Vikki!!
I'd been wondering how you were, not having seen you on here.

Hope you recover quickly and this time all is well.

Take care
