Saturday, July 19, 2014

The hooks is moving once again!!!!! And it is feeling good!!!!

Thank you to all my dear blog friends who have been hanging tight with me and lifting me up with prayers and kind words in the past few weeks..I think I am pretty much back to my old self..the hook is moving and I am feeling pretty good...And to the special ones who called me to just check up on me (you know who you are) I want you to know that you warmed my heart.  There may miles that separate us, but believe me..we are sisters of the heart..thank you.

Like I said the hook is moving!!! Hooray!!!! You know for me not to feel like moving the hook, I felt lost, like a part of me was missing.  And now it is back..I feel like my old self..I am so loving it....What have I been doing you ask...let me show you!!! I love what I have finished in the past weeks...I love the color..I love the patterns..although the runners had to have some adjustments made in order to get the sizes I wanted to make it look good..but I am quite happy with the know I am feeling better when I tell you they are completely finished..blocked and all...These were made with someone in mind and I hope he is pleased..we will see.  Oh yeah the color is 437...again.....clearing throat..there is a blog friend out there that understands the clearing of throat thing...the moral of the story is not to try and fill orders after taking might end up with the wrong color....oops..anyway..take a look at my creations...


Julie Wineman said...


Sherri said...

WOW oh wow, I love your work. Beautiful!
I'm happy your feeling like your old self again. I know what it's like to not feel upto crocheting such a lost time.
Be blessed with great health my friend.

Kate said...

So glad you're feeling better :-) Love your finished projects. Take care.

hooksandyarns said...

They are beautiful Vikki. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. Have a great day. :)

Charlotte said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better and the hooks are moving again. These doilies are gorgeous! I especially love the second one. Don't forget the thread eater!

CrochetBlogger said...

So glad to hear the hook is moving again. And it's all looking great!

Meredith said...

I am so glad to hear you are feeling like your old self again and your hook is smoking!!!!! Wow I just love everything you have made, and I LOVE the color.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Beautiful doilies (as always). You so crack me up with the clearing of throat and color thing. :)

So very thankful you are feeling better my sweet friend. Dang every time I see your doilies it makes me want to crochet...I must resist....must...can't, no...hmmmm where is my hook again?

Blessings to you always sweet friend.

Pammy Sue said...

Soooooo pretty!! Glad you got your crochet itch back. I'm feeling lost at the moment because I can't decide what I want to make. I'm going to sew that blue squares blanket together one of these days soon. What is wrong with me?? I spent all that time on the squares and now I just leave them sitting there. The THREAD calls me! I'm loving the THREAD!

Anonymous said...
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Mindy said...

Wow!!! So glad to hear you're back at it. They're really beautiful. What a fascinating color, too. Way to go!